Sunday, March 17, 2013

oh how the Gentz family has changed!

There was once 2 and now this is 4.  Life sure has changed since my last Blog entry!  My good friend said to me last week" you havent blogged since Sept 2010.  Are you sure dont have anything to blog about?  Thanks to her push, I am here with a blog entry.  A quick catch up on our lives is as follows.  We adopted Jeremiah (JT) 5 and Gio 3 in October 2011.  They have changed our lives immensely.  I used to think before kids that my life was busy...I did not have a clue what busy was all about. Ron is still working for SWA and I work at Impressions Dental.  I promise over the next few weeks to update everyone more on how our life has changed for the better.  XOXO

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer is coming to an end

It is September 4 and summer is coming to an end. It sure doesn't feel like it in Arizona...maybe because we have a heat advisory for the day??? Its suppose to hit 109 today. WOW...maybe summer is not coming to an end?? Gotta love AZ!!!

We have had a busy summer. The end of June we went back home to Michigan to see our family and friends. We always enjoy our time in Michigan. We try to get in as many of our Michigan favorites as possible. In between the fun times Ronnie helped his parents reblack top their drive way. I tried to hang out with our family as much as possible. I got to spend time a day watching my niece Lanessa. I gotta say that taking care of kids can wear you out! I was very ready for a nap after that day. hehehe :-) We visited a bit with my other niece and nephew but we didn't get to spend nearly enough time with them. :-( We also went to my class reunion. Now you may be wondering which one...I only admit to it being my 15 year. I know if I said my 10 year no one would believe me! Its all good!

My work BFF stayed at our house during our Michigan visit. It worked out perfectly that she was going to be homeless for a couple of weeks and needed a please to stay. She is real dog lover so I knew things would be fine at Casita Gentz while she was here! Then she stayed with us for 1 more week before she moved to Colorado to open up a new Impressions Dental. We sure miss her at my office but now she is close to family again which will be very helpful once baby "chainsaw" arrives. Yep, you got...that's the baby's nickname!

During August we had to sets of visitors. First my brother in law Jim and his wife Mindy came to town for a long weekend. It was actually the first time that we all hung out together with out other family around. We were really looked forward to their visit. I gotta say we weren't disappointed! They are really a great couple and we enjoyed our family bonding time!
The second set of visitors were my inlaws, Ron and Julie. They love to come out here during the summer and just relax by the pool, go antiquing, and hit the swap meets(flea markets for the east coasters). Not really sure why they call them swap meets but if you say flea market out here people give you a strange look. As always we had fun and of course I made a few shopping purchases!

Well that seems to sum up the summer! As always..I will try to update more often but I can't make any promises!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Well now its June 2010 and my last real blog was September 2009. I'm not really going to update you on everything that has been happening since then but here are some of the highlights.

Halloween and Christmas are always busy months for us. Most of you know that we love to decorate! We have a local decorating contest for both holidays. Ron likes to decorate for Halloween and I love Christmas. Of course we went all out again last year! We came in 2ND place for Halloween which we really thought we should of gotten 1st when we checkout out the competition. Oh well...that gave us something to strive for during the next Halloween season! We didn't place in the top 5 for the Christmas contest. The winners actually sat outside dressed as Mr and Mrs Claus. They let the kiddies come up, sit on their laps and give them their Christmas lists'. Sorry but even in December it can be in the 80's and I just cant see myself dressing up as Mrs Claus. I may get desperate for a win in a few years but as for now I'm happy with the crazy light show we put on!

We didn't make it back to our home town this past winter, which is a first for us. We try to get back to see a little snow for a few days but not necessarily over the holiday since Ron normally works on those days. Instead of us going to Michigan we had a great visit with my grandma who came to stay with us for 2 weeks in November. Then in January my mom, sister Heidi and the cutest 2 yr old ever Lanessa came to visit us for a week. We love when family and friends come to visit so make your reservation early at the Casita Gentz!

For spring break this year we went to Cozumel with a group of friends and family from Michigan. We went on a SB trip with the same group a few years ago and had a blast. When it was mentioned to us again about going with them we knew we couldn't pass it up. I gotta say that the water in Cozumel was amazing. Yeah we have been to beaches in Mexico, Hawaii, California, Florida and of course Michigan but the blue-green of the water in Cozumel is just breath taking. One of the highlight's of the trip was a crazy jeep tour of the local cantina's around the island....way fun!!! Check out Facebook for the pictures. 8-)

May is always a good month for me. YEAH...its my Birthday month! I like to celebrate 7 days of Betsie's birthday. I know I'm a little bit spoiled but since Ronnie made me this way he is always a good sport and makes my 7 days fabulous! He completely out did himself this year. I just gotta brag cuz I honestly feel like I've got the best husband in the world! But isn't that the way marriage should be?'s the story about my 7 days. Each day starting a week before my "day" I get little gifts or surprises to make me the happiest girl alive...hehehe. This year though Ron said to me "I hope your not upset but your not going to get as many gifts as you usually get" I think to myself...hummm....I guess thats ok...who am I to complain. He then says " you may be upset about this in the beginning but in the end your really going to be happy". Ok so now I'm thinking he's getting me a treadmill! I hate the idea but a little exercise wont hurt...that's for sure! I get little gifts each day like a couple of paperbacks, a couple of cute little dog books with bulldogs in them, he made me a couple of great dinners, surprised me and showed up at my office for lunch one day. Now he didn't have the whole 7 days off of work but still left me a couple of surprises here and there. Well the day he is to return home from work is the day before my birthday, he tells me to pack and over night bag. He said to make sure I pack my swim suit and to shave my legs. hehehe...(I really hate to shave but don't think I go all native or anything. I'm lucky that my hair grows slowly, so I can get a way with a 1 or 2 x per week of shaving. Is that TMI??...o'well...if your reading my blog you must be a friend.) He tells me to meet him at the airport. He wouldn't tell me if we are flying somewhere or driving till I actually meet him at the airport. Well we ended up driving to a resort in Scottsdale. OMG!!! It was so beautiful! The resort had a lazy river and a swim up bar too!! yahoo!!! We spent a few hours floating around the river and drinking the most amazing pinacolada's. Then we had an evening couples massage (this is why he told me to shave b/c he knows I always do before a massage cuz that would be kinda embarrassing to have prickly legs...I'm thinking those of you with dirty minds where thinking he wanted me to shave for other reasons??!!! I'll never tell!!!) This was the first time Ron has ever had a massage and he loved it. That night we ate the resorts' Steakhouse and he gave me by gift...which was the newest watch in the Michele collection. Thanks Dawn for helping him pick it out! I love it :-) At dinner there were some prom goers sitting near us.The guy was trying to be such a gentleman and all romantic. It was so cute and brought back some awesome memories of our proms together.

Thinking about 20 year class reunion is coming up this summer. I can hardly believe it has been that long. I don't necessarily feel like I'm old but I do remember when I thought 38 was way over the hill!

In my closing I will leave you with these words of wisdom....remember that age is just a number and that the age you may be is not necessarily the age you have to feel! Hope everyone enjoyed my post. XOXO

catching up

So I'm trying to get back into blogging! I love reading everyone elses blogs and really want to share all the wonderful things that have been going on in my life. That was my teaser to get you to come back and read more often. I promise to update regularly. Hugs

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wow...I havent been on in a longtime! I'm thinking its a good time to start up again.

Heres an update on the year so far:
We built an outdoor kitchen in the spring. It has everything we need to hang out all summer long by the pool. My favorite part in the TV. I love laying in the pool and watching my soaps...can life get any better?!

We had a busy summer. In June we had a pool party and invited lots of neighbors. Our friends Scott and Dena came over from QueenCreek. We havent seem them in like a year! It was great to catch up with them and their girls.
We went to Michigan for the 4th of July. It was great to catch up with family and friends. We participated in a lot of the Forest Festival events like the parade and of course Aquapalooza. One of our old friend's from high school is in band and they played at the event. It was great just hangout and catching up with everyone. The were lots of classmates there and friends that we havent seen in years. We also went Rafting in Mesick with the family which is always Good Times!!

We went to New Orleans in August. I cant say anything more than Bourbon Street and Beads. We had a great time as always.

My inlaws were here for 10 days at the end of August. We did a lot of antiqueing and flea marketing. They love to shop till they drop! As most of you know I do also!! They enjoy coming to arizona in the summer to take advantage of the sun and pool time.

Now its September already. Ron has been planning out the Halloween decorations trying to decide how best to scare the neighbors. I sure that some of them think we are freaks they way we decorate for the Halloween...its all in good fun. I will start posting pics as we get things put up.
I'm also working on getting the diningroom/living room area painted and decorated. We are calling it our Castle room. Pics to follow are we get things completed.

Thats summarizes things that have happened in 2009 up to September. I'll get back with you again soon. Thanks for reading!


DECEMBER 15, 2006

The Ceremony

The Ceremony
was on a small platform in front of a beautiful waterfall.